, pub-8569940468881223, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


DI JUAL Kios Lantai 3 Blok G-9 No. 6 Pusat Grosir Surabaya. Harga Rp. 450.000.000,- Hubungi Ully 082131460201.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014


Essential oils or also called essential oils , etherial oils, or oils are volatile commodity natural extracts derived from plants of leaves , flowers , wood , seeds and even flowers pistil . There are at least 150 types of essential oils that have been traded in the international market and 40 species of which can be produced in Indonesia . Although many types of essential oils that can be produced in Indonesia , only a small number of essential oils that have developed and are being developed in Indonesia .

Usefulness is very much essential oil , depending on the type of plants being taken sulingannya results . Essential oils are used as raw materials in the Flavor and fragrance ( flavor and fragrance ingredients ) . Manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes using essential oils as fragrance materials sometimes manufacture soap , toothpaste , shampoos , lotions and perfumes . The food industry uses essential oils as a treatment after experiencing Flavor or add flavor . The pharmaceutical industry use as anti-pain medications , anti-infective , bacterial killer . The function of essential oils as fragrance is also used to cover the odor of other ingredients such as insecticides required by industrial preservative and insecticide ingredients .

Of the oil industry in Indonesia has existed since colonial times . But seen from the quality and quantity did not experience much change . This is due to most of the units of the oil still using simple technology / Traditional and generally makes a limited production capacity .

Indonesia is an agricultural country , with tremendous natural wealth abundant , various types of crops grown in diverse varieties of its kind . In the era of 1960s Indonesia was recorded as one of the great essential oil

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